

Buy Clairin here.

Clairin is the very traditional rum of Haiti, produced by small distillers, wild yeast and using mostly cane juice. Extremely funky flavour (a hyped up agricole rhum if you like). Locals drink it unaged. 

Recent developments have aged some Clairins with success.

  • Clairin Le Rocher 2020 Haiti Rhum 47.2% Clairin Le Rocher 2020 Haiti Rhum 47.2%

    Clairin Le Rocher 2020 Haiti Rhum 47.2% 700mL ABV 47.2%

    We have a new Clairin, from an already legendary producer: Romulus Bethel’s site is located in Pignon, in the arrondissement of Saint-Raphael in the department of the North, no more than an hour of dirt road from St. Michel, the village where...
  • Clairin Le Rocher 2020 Haiti Rhum Clairin Le Rocher 2020 Haiti Rhum back

    Clairin Le Rocher 2020 Haiti Rhum 700mL ABV 47.5%

    We have a new Clairin, from an already legendary producer: Romulus Bethel’s site is located in Pignon, in the arrondissement of Saint-Raphael in the department of the North, no more than an hour of dirt road from St. Michel, the village where...
  • Clairin Sonson 2018 Haiti Rhum

    Clairin Sonson 2018 Haiti Rhum 700mL ABV 53.2%

    Clairin Sonson is produced by Stephan Kalil Saoud and made exclusively from sugar cane syrup in Cabaret, a village located in the district of Arcahaie, where the town is like the whole country: teeming with life. The syrup comes from indigenous sugarcane...
  • Sale 7%
    Clairin Communal Ansyen Haiti Rhum Clairin Communal Ansyen Haiti Rhum

    Clairin Communal Ansyen Haiti Rhum 700mL ABV 49.3%

    Produced from Clairins Sajous, Vaval, Casimir and Le Rocher communes, this ansyen is the fruit of ageing experiment (traditionally Clairins are not aged).   This is a blend of  mostly15 ex-rhums casks but including 2 ex-whisky casks,...
  • Clairin Le Rocher 2019 Haiti Rhum Clairin Le Rocher 2019 Haiti Rhum

    Clairin Le Rocher 2019 Haiti Rhum 700mL ABV 47.2%

    We have a new Clairin, from an already legendary producer: Romulus Bethel’s site is located in Pignon, in the arrondissement of Saint-Raphael in the department of the North, no more than an hour of dirt road from St. Michel, the village where...

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